
There are hundreds of manufacturers around the world producing many different pit designs and we know pit choice is based on many factors. We have found the pits made in the USA produce the most Authentic American Bar-B-Que and each pit we recommend and can make available to you are pits we personally use and have had tremendous success with. Whatever your choice in a smoker we hope we can lend some value to that experience.

We work closely with the folks at J & R Manufacturing and Diamond Plate Pits to give thousands of people in the EU the chance to see, smell, and taste the "Real Deal" American Bar-B-Que experience. Looking forward to putting the newly introduced ABS Pits in the mix to produce authentic smoked meats 5,000 miles from home, American Bar-B-Que!


We are proud to announce the offering of American Barbecue Systems (ABS) to the European Union. These units are a uniquely designed combination Smoker/Grill and are ideal for home use or utilize the quality and performance in a professional application. These pits come highly recommended and we look forward to our first event with an ABS pit on the roster!